Wedding Bouquets

Having seen many traditional and very modern bridal bouquets I thought you may like to see just a selection of what is available – your choice may be a very difficult one!  But the big question is, will your bridal bouquet contain flowers?  Fruit, vegetables, berries, beads, brooches and paper are just a few alternatives you may like to consider.

The custom of bouquets has its origin in ancient times. Women carried aromatic bunches of garlic, herbs and spices to ward off evil spirits. It is so reassuring to know that times have changed! Do read on to see just how much they have changed.

Brooches are a popular alternative to flowers and very effective!


Beads are very elegant!

Beads 1

Paper is a very light option!


Shells – very different!


Fruit is becoming very fashionable !


Fragrant herbs are different!


The question is what will your choice be?  I hope this little selection has given you food for thought.

Alyson at St Audries Park

If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at St Audries Park, please don't hesitate to call Sally via the contact details below:


T: 01984 633 633