St Audries Park is recognised as an Extra Mile Venue

Here at St Audries Park we are extremely proud to have been recognised as an #extramilevenue by Host Venue Consultancy


We continue to support our Couples during this unprecedented time and in the future…

Our GOLD HEART shows kindness with the Heart of Gold emblem’s fragments representing our Couples, their Guests, Suppliers and us here at St Audries Park ! 

Read what our couples have to say by scrolling to the end of this blog!


“Thank you all for being so accommodating and generous, we are sad that we will have to wait a little bit longer but so pleased we can still have our dream wedding at St Audries Park. ”
Annalise & William


“Massive thanks to all of you, especially Liz, for handling all of this so professional and putting us at ease – I was absolutely dreading having to rearrange everything but everyone we’ve spoken to at St Audries has been so great.”


“Nick and I send our huge thanks to you for your understanding and for kindly offering us such good alternative dates for our big day. We really do appreciate it.”
Charlotte & Nick


“We are so thankful and grateful that you’re able to do this for us, it’s so amazing to know we can still have the wedding we’ve dreamed off with everyone there (especially the South African family!). The fact that you’ve managed to give us a date that is… more than we were hoping for. We’re so very grateful, thank you so much!

Will look forward to catching up and thank you again for your help and support.”
Emily & Andrew


We so look forward to welcoming all of our Couples, Guests and Suppliers back to our glorious venue very soon!


If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at St Audries Park, please don't hesitate to call Sally via the contact details below:


T: 01984 633 633