The Do’s and Do Not’s of A Best Man Speech

If you have ever delivered a best man’s speech, then you know just how vital it is to get it right. You need to walk the right line between humorous, touching and appropriate; balance is key. Being chosen as the best man is an honour, but it is not a role absent of responsibility! The best man is an important figure at any wedding and the bride and groom will rely on them for many things – the speech is one of them. So, if you are a best man currently writing a best man’s speech, or expect to be writing one sometimes soon, then this blog is for you. Below we will discuss the do’s and the do not’s of a best man’s speech.

Firstly, The Do’s:

Do speak from the heart:

Say why you love the couple together, why they work well as a team and how they complement each other’s personality. Things that strike an emotional chord with the attendees will always work well in a best man’s speech – it is a wedding after all!

Do praise the groom:

Whether you have been best friends since you were 5 or started off as work friends in your 20’s, letting everybody know why the groom is your best friend will always go down well. Let’s not forget, it is the bride and groom’s big day so embrace a bit of cheesiness. The days of best man’s speeches being an opportunity to embarrass the groom whilst making people cringe are long, long gone.

Do pick appropriate anecdotes:

This one we cannot stress enough. Appropriate means that you do not let spill an old secret about the groom or the bride! Appropriate means something heart-warming, a story that explains your friendship, about how you became friends or why indeed you were chosen to be the best man.

Do keep it short and sweet:

The worst thing you can do in a best man’s speech is waffle, or go on for too long, or go wildly off script. Keep it short and sweet. We recommend 5 minutes as the maximum length; this equates to roughly 600 – 700 words. Top it off with a toast and a congratulation to the happy couple, and your best man speech will go down in history as textbook-perfect.

And Now, The Do Nots:

Do not drink too much:

Slurring your words, spilling your drink on the bride, excessive swearing: all bad signs that point to you having drunk too much. Save the majority of your wedding revelry for after your best man’s speech, a little Dutch courage is all well and good, but if you drink too much then your speech will most definitely suffer!

Do not talk about yourself too much:

Stories about yourself and the groom, and the groom and the bride are expected entities of any best man’s speech, but if you tell stories that are just about yourself then chances are your speech will fall on deaf and uninterested ears. Remember that your speech is all about the bride and the groom on their special day!

Do not mention the ex:

This pointer should go without saying but sadly many best men think it is okay to bring up the groom’s ex-partner in a best man’s speech. We are here to tell you that it is not okay, and including it in your speech will only make the bride and groom feel awkward and uncomfortable, and God help you if the ex in question happens to be in attendance.

That then rounds off our top do’s and do not’s of any best man’s speech. If you follow our advice as outlined above, then your best man’s speech will be one of many highlights in the bride and groom’s special day.

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